
Rosh Hashanah is the celebration of the Jewish New Year where many take pause and reflect on the year as they head in to the next.  In my reflection, I realize how great a year it has been and how integral you have been to my success.  Thank you for being a part of my life.  May you have a happy and healthy year!

Hope you join us for our Code v. Code Discussion Series: Laws that Hurt Us and Where They Come From event on Wednesday, October 17, or our Young Leaders event on Thursday, October 18.

Your support has put our campaign in the lead, according to today's public finance filing!  
Thank you to nearly 350 of you for investing almost $35,000 in our campaign for a better city.

Community Updates:

Happy 4th of July!  As we celebrate our Nation’s independence, it is a chance to suggest revolutionary ideas to make things better.  With that in mind, I hope that this season’s update is useful to you.

Hope you can join us for our Tech Event on Wednesday, June 27, First Amendment Event on Thursday, June 28, or our Community Event on Monday, July 9.

Happy Easter or Passover!  As we celebrate Spring, it is a chance to focus on renewal and what we can do to make things better.  With that in mind, I hope that this season’s update is useful to you.

You can read recent coverage on the campaign from the Upper East Side’s local paper Our Town which said:

“He’s positioning himself as a young voice, a progressive choice, someone who has worked tirelessly, frenetically even, on so many civic issues it makes the résumés of some sitting council members seem paltry by comparison.”


Please also join co-chairs and hosts many of whom you probably already know or should meet at a discussion on redistricting to support my campaign for City Council that has already garnered media attention as unique and substantive.  Our special guest is Mark Favors the lead plaintiff in Favors v. Cuomo who is seeking fair redistricting in 2012 to protect democracy and civil rights.  This lawsuit is responsible for the new congressional lines and will likely the lines for the New York State Senate.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
7PM to 9PM
Traffic Bar, 986 2nd Ave

Buy your ticket now at


Like many of you who are receiving this I am doing my best to make the world a better place. Some days are better than others and most victories impossible to accomplish alone. To that end, I hope that this update as well as the last one inspire you to join a particular cause with me or are useful to you in other ways.

And last but not least

Like many of you who are receiving this I am doing my best to make the world a better place. Some days are better than others and most victories impossible to accomplish alone. To that end, I hope that this update as well as the last one inspire you to join a particular cause with me or are useful to you in other ways.

and last but not least,

New Year's is a great time to take stock in the previous year or previous two years, reflect on decisions past and present and perhaps begin anew.  In that spirit here is an update with some highlights that you may or may not already know about.