New York Post

New York Post

The next City Council

September 5, 2013

When it comes to irresponsibility, few institutions rival New York’s City Council. Unfortunately, all signs suggest it’s going to get even worse. With at least 20 of the council’s 51 seats changing hands in November’s elections, there is a lot of bad to choose from. So we’ve singled out three primary races featuring candidates with particularly unsavory records — as well as one that offers some hope for the future.

5th District (Upper East Side): Assemblyman Micah Kellner was favored to win this open seat until it came out that Speaker Sheldon Silver had kept sexual harassment complaints against him secret. Since then, he’s lost many key endorsements, and rightly so.

Opponent Ben Kallos, a young community board member and former Assembly staffer, is a conventional liberal but has thumped for genuine legislative transparency. We prefer him to Kellner.