New Roosevelt Founder Bill Samuels

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My name is Bill Samuels and I am here to tell you that I am very enthusiastic about Ben Kallos being our next City Council person.  

I have had the pleasure of Ben Kallos serving as the Executive Director of New Roosevelt for the last couple years.  Ben lead the effort to oust Pedro Espada in the Bronx, a crooked state senator, and he was replaced by a young progressive, Gustavo Rivero. Ben is, like Gustavo, a young future leader for our community.  Ben has also worked and played a key role in developing policy positions from redistricting to campaign finance reform. 

Unlike his assembly opponent, Ben is enthused about the job for the service he can provide us.  He's not just interested, as his opponent is, in avoiding trips back and forth to Albany.  

I am telling you that I will be very sorry to lose Ben as the Executive Director of New Roosevelt.  But I also will be very proud to have played a small role in Ben becoming a great City Council person and representing all of us.