Citizen Action of New York

Citizen Action of New York

New York, NY – Citizen Action of New York has endorsed Ben Kallos for New York City’s Fifth Council District.  

“Ben Kallos is a progressive with a history of delivering results,” said Té Revesz, Board Chair of the New York City chapter of Citizen Action of New York. “We’re impressed by his strong experience, from helping pass legislation in the State Assembly to achieving reform as the head of Effective New York.” 

“Citizen Action fights for so many of the values that New Yorkers hold dear – including fair elections, improving education, and a healthy environment,” said Kallos. “I am proud to accept Citizen Action’s endorsement and plan to partner with them and other reform-minded organizations to promote accountability in government.”

In 2009, Kallos made Assembly voting records easily accessible to the public by posting them on a website he built. As Executive Director of the good government group Effective New York, Ben helped in the field campaign to defeat State Senator Pedro Espada. Kallos has made empowering residents with greater information a central part of his platform.

Kallos worked on a number of reform battles when he was head of Effective New York, including ReshapeNY, which called for an end to gerrymandering, and Fair Elections for New York, which is calling on state legislators to pass a comprehensive campaign finance reform package, including public financing of elections.

Kallos’ vision is in line with many of Citizen Action’s policy goals, including:

  • Opposition to environmentally dangerous practices. In July, Kallos hosted a screening of Gasland II to promote awareness of the dangers of hydrofracking. He was endorsed by the Sierra Club in recognition of his green policies.
  • Support of open information. Kallos has testified in favor of Gale Brewer’s Open Data Law and has innovative solutions to increase transparency.
  • Expansion of opportunity. Kallos supports increasing pre-kindergarten education, so every child eligible for a public school seat has access to it.

Citizen Action is a grassroots membership organization taking on big issues that are at the center of transforming American society – quality education for all our kids, guaranteed quality, affordable health care, public financing of election campaigns, racial justice, and a more progressive tax system.  Citizen Action has eight chapters and affiliates in major cities across New York State. For more information go to