Statement on the Resignation of Rose Gill Hearn from CFB

Statement on the Resignation of Rose Gill Hearn from CFB
 Rose Gill Hearn’s exemplary career in public service began over two decades ago in the United States Attorney’s Office, followed by tenure as the longest-serving commissioner of the Department of Investigation, and most recently as chair of the New York City Campaign Finance Board. Throughout her career, Chair Gill Hearn has fought corruption and held city employees and elected officials to the highest standard of integrity. Her legacy of fairness and accountability is one New Yorkers can be proud of and I thank her for her many years of service to the City of New York.
As the 2017 municipal elections approach, all city elected positions will be on the ballot. It is of supreme importance that the next chair be someone who has the stature and integrity to not only stand up to candidates and any elected officials but guide the board through election years independently. As chair of the City Council’s Committee on Governmental Operations, which has oversight over the Campaign Finance Board, I am committed to ensuring that the Campaign Finance Board remains the national model for campaign finance and fair elections. 

I hope to see a thorough and open search for a new chair who will be independent, non-partisan, and non-political and who has the stature to stand up to candidates and any elected official.